To Miss Hoe, by the time I read ur comment I have already done with this
new color haha! But I'll still research for some saloons and maybe I'm going for a hair cut together with u! Yes people, I'm having a new hair color with a new bangs but actually I wanted a lighter color but this is considered not bad thou and I'm liking it for the moment being! To look at my hair more clearly here it goes! Difference, no difference?

Yesterday was a real bad day for us!! Mr Ren bought a
Marcs coat which he has considered for long and we actually grabbed it at last. Unfortunately when we were buying something from a food court, Mr Ren left the paper bag there and we realised it after 20mins!! When we went back to the food court, the people there told us that they saw a mad man carried our bag away!! We were trying to look for the man and searched through the whole building but end up we can't get him!! WTF!! I was really pissed off and wanted to scold bad words so much!! Fuck!! We lost the $$, we lost the nice coat!!! ='(((((((((((((((((((((((((
Aiks!!!! Till now I'm still feeling superb irritated while I'm typing here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try to forget it try to forget it try to forget it try to forget it arrrggghhhhh!!!
Also, we bumped into Peggy in the street when we were heading to Ajisen Ramen. She is promoting about the
Muse thingie! Hehe add oil lady and hope your event goes smoothly!! We took 4 meals continuously within few hours, The Stupid food court random snacks-Ajisen-Starbucks-Pancakes On The House and they really filled my appetite since I'm always craving for more food and more food! Hahaha!

Brazil Go Portugal Go, draw at 0-0 larr! Bubye!!